Sunday 31 May 2020

Coronavirus is real or fake? what Pakistani People think about it?

Coronavirus is real or fake? what Pakistani People think about it?

I will not going to tell you that what is coronavirus? As all over the world people is aware of it and many countries suffer from it. But in my opinion in every country people is divided in to two different opinions, that Coronavirus is real or fake? , Some people take it too much serious and take care of themselves .But on the other side some people take it slight. I will talk specially in this blog about the people of Pakistan what they think about this Pandemic?

In Pakistan Total cases reached to 72 thousand, in which 26 thousands are recovered and 1500 deaths reported. And now daily cases reach to 3000 ..(1 June 2020). Many doctors died due to the COVID-19 . Many Politicians suffer from it.

In Pakistan people are also divided in two different opinions about the COVID-19. One group of people take it serious and follow the precautions given by the WHO and the government of Pakistan about keep social distancing , wearing masks , washing hands, avoid to go out from home . They completely follow the instructions given by the government of Pakistan.

On the other hand second group of people think that there is no virus it is just a Drama. They think that Patients died from other diseases are also considered as a Corona death. And due to this many people avoid to go to hospital beacuse they think that if we go they must added us in the corona list. Some people think that it is the game of America. Theses type of people doesn't follow the instructions or precautions of the Govt of Pakistan. They are not wearing masks and even keeping social distancing and that is why cases increases in Pakistan.

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